From DATATEKNIK, no 15 1995, page 11


The well-known porn dealer Mikael Eklöf is behind the Internet provider Oden Telecom. The unsuspecting customers, among the Sollentuna parish, become very upset when this magazine, Datateknik, gets in touch with them.

That there is porn on the Internet has not escaped anyone. And maybe it is that which has inspired Michael Eklöf, known porn dealer in Stockholm, to start an own Internet service. He and his partner Didrik Selder are the men behind Internet-provider Oden Telecom.

If you connect to Oden Telecom nothing strange can be seen. A fairly normal server with home pages for serious businesses and private people. Among the links to other servers there are some links to swedish adult magazines (which it costs money to see), under the subject XXX, but they are rather harmless and many of them do not work.

- I did not have any idea of the fact that there was porn interests behind Oden Telecom, says Martin Janner, who works with youths in the Sollentuna parish, and who has a home page for the parish on the Oden www-server.

He has never been at Oden Telcoms office, but instead sent the files through FTP from Sollentuna. The only thing which has hinted that Oden Telecom might not be totally clean is an e-mail which Martin Janner and some other customers received some time ago.

- It said that Oden was into phone sex, but since it was sent anonymously and I did not find any evidence for it, I did not take it seriously.

Exactly as many other of the customers we got in touch with they selected the service because of the low price. Technically it has been working, certainly with some problems in getting confirmations, but that is the case with all providers, supposes Janner.

- But after this we will most likely not remain there, he concludes. And that is the reaction from other customers as well.

But who is this Mikael Eklöf? The daily newspaper Expressen exposed the 3rd of September that Eklöf by advertising in adult magazines sells porn videos where the girls are badly humiliated. The videos are made by the porn king Carl Serung and has been the focus of TV and evening newspapers as being unusally disgusting.

The first office for Oden Telecom was at Högbergsgatan 28. At the same address, in the garage, girls where working with phone sex for the company Intoplex. The same people and auditor appear on the board of Oden as was filed for the now bankrupted Intoplex. But Oden Telecom has recently changed address to c/o Boxhuset, PO Box 111, Frejgatan 13, 114 79 Stockholm. This is the type of address wich is often used for porn businesses, tax evasion, and other shady business. In order to find out more we dialled the switchborad number to Oden Telecom, and presented us as an american porn dealer from New York. We asked for 'Mr. Eklof', and was connected to him. When the 'american porn dealer' asked about the Tabu-Roxy movies, Mr. Eklöf answered:

- I have about 200 titles from Tabu and Roxy, 64 are of amateur quality, while 150 are of good quality.

Eklöf continues to tell us that Oden Telecom is an Internet-provider. And to the american porn dealers question whether they will use the Internet to sell the porn products Eklöf replies:

- Yes, but it has to be done the proper way.

In a job ad on the server Oden Telecom advertises for salespeople. 'Of course we live as we teach... you work from home with e-mail, telephone, fax...'. Add to this the anonymous box address and difficulties to find out where variois phone numbers lead. And the WWW-server - in an undetermined place in cyberspace. Here we have the realised virtual company - perfect when you want to avoid creditors and angry customers.

Robert Philips